I’m Selling Tarot Decks!

I have 5 or 6 decks that have absolutely become client favorites, and I keep thinking it would be really cool to have some on hand to offer for sale. Tarot makes for a lovely meditation, or a brutal meditation when you need to work on yourself, or even a great writing prompt. I get so tired of seeing the same old decks in the shops. I actively HUNT for unique decks. I like different. I like individual, and I like supporting small businesses and artists. I love Kickstarter!

I have ordered some decks from three artists and will have them available at my table at the winery or at my booth when I’m at the fairs. “Cash & Carry” only, I won’t be shipping, and I will not be selling these online at all. You’re welcome to purchase directly from the artists if you want to order online and need shipping.

Have a look! The True Black Tarot by Arthur Wang, The Darkness of Light Tarot by Tony DiMauro, and Oak Ash & Thorn of Three Trees Tarot, by Stephanie Burrows and Adam Oehlers, illustrator.

*I’ve also ordered Smoke, Ash, & Embers, a dragon-themed deck, by Three Trees Tarot