Me and the crickets

Good morning everyone!


I am trapped at my day job, thinking about THIS job, wondering how on earth to promote and sell a reading online.

People do it. I see $5 tarot readings on Etsy all the time. I ordered one once. I got a reading via email, with pictures of the cards and a lovely description and explanation about what was going on in my world, and she wasn’t wrong. I can do that, but I find my clients get more out of their readings when they can ask questions, ask for clarification, or even tell me they have no idea what I’m talking about so we can work with another facet of a multi-faceted card.

Say I pull the Seven of Swords and Eight of coins – “Ah! Someone is taking credit for your hard work.” I’m thinking about a saboteur in the office, but lo and behold it’s the mother-in-law who has been babysitting and undermining your ethics!

I really prefer a chat along the way so you’re not left unimpressed, only to realize, after all the discord and drama, what the reading was really about. If we can get straight to the real issue, you might be able to avoid all the discord and drama – which is the point of a reading, in my opinion.

Do I learn Zoom? Do I read on Discord? Google Chats? Facetime? All of the above? Is there some new Gen-Z-Favorite platform I don’t know about yet?

How do I charge, online, with no line of people on my sign-up sheet waiting to be next? Can I cut people off at 15 minutes and say, “Time’s up.” I feel like that’s not fair.

If anybody is reading this, besides bots, marketers, and scammers, please send me some feedback!