January Wolf Moon Elixir

Get ready to howl!

**Below are the metaphysical properties of the stones as set forth by the experts, mainly Melody. They are not magic beans and will not cure disease or exorcize a haunted house.

This is who showed up to bask in the January full moon:

Stibnite – A totem stone for the Wolf, it enhances astral travel and uses the body’s own energy field as a shield to protect it from outside entities while journeying. Excellent for meditation and warding off unwanted presences. *Stibnite is toxic! None of the pictured stones ever touched the elixir! Clear, filtered, drinking water charges in quartz bowls.

Witches Finger – “Be True To YOURSELF” These stones are used for Shadow Work and can be used as shields against outside influences as you work.

Rhodonite – Strengthens self-esteem by helping you achieve your highest potential. It Dispels anxiety and stimulates the pineal gland and intuition. Pink stones open the heart, and this one cheers you on with a “You got this” energy.

Lithium Quartz – The “remover of baggage”, this stone is a mood stabilizer, healing emotional issues, repressed anger, and grief from past lives that have carried over so you can get out of your own way.

Malachite – The “stone of transformation” transmits sacred information from the Ancients and enhances psychic ability.

Flint – Used for thought transference. Banishes negative energies and beings from haunted locations. Revered by Neolithic man as a protective talisman. Guards against nightmares.

Deer Antler and Dall Sheep Horn: Ancient, primal energy of the animal world. Both deer and sheep are used at Guides.

Fossilized Palm Root: Fossils dissolve fear and release past life issues. Fossils also enhance telepathic communication between the present and prior worlds, as well as “other” worlds.

Wow. Powerful stuff! If you’re starting January off with a Vision Quest or taking an astral-travel vacation, this is the elixir to journey with!

I’ve only made three 1oz bottles. See my Esty shop for availability.

*All elixirs can be specially made and custom ordered. What can I brew for you?