2023 Elixirs are a’brewing!

Happy Yule and Winter Solstice!

I sat on the floor with my stones and asked what we needed for 2023. Who wants to be included? They all raised their little invisible hands. We need that much help, not just here in the United States, but all over the planet. I was thinking about the Morality police in Iran and the killings there over head coverings, and public hangings for protesting. The women in Afghanistan who are no longer allowed to attend University. I was thinking about the girls and women who were dug up in Bucha and had been systematically gang-raped and had swastica-shaped burns on their bodies. I think about the men who were shot and killed trying to protect their families. The whole Ukraine thing! UGH!

The United States Supreme Court overturned Roe-v-Wade just HOURS after lifting a concealed carry ban in New York. The leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide.

I wanted my newest elixir to be gentle, and full of loving, caring, feminine energy. I believe I got a level of feminine energy, but it’s anything but gentle! It’s fierce! A friend gave me some great input;

“I’m also trying to channel inner peace and introspection this year. (I’m) wanting to focus on myself & be less bothered by what others are doing. Just mind my own business. But with that, Empathy, so it’s not just selfish & lazy.”

Yes! This is what I’m feeling too! Can we just work on ourselves and stop with politics? But I want to help! What can I do??

The first stone I chose was a small, rough, chunk of new black lava from Geldingadalur, Iceland. It has the tiniest Olivine crystals in it. It has just a primal feel to it! It’s Mama Earth in the throws of labor, scalding and furious, and fertile. I flanked that stone with two tiny Peridots. Peridot is gem quality Olivine. Since I’d started with the volcanic rock, I added some Obsidian: one Apache Tear, a piece of broken piece with sharp edges, and one in the shape of an arrowhead. Seraphinite felt right. I added a few more stones, rearranged them several times, added tiny star-shaped Moonstone, and pulled out larger chunks of “cluster Quartz”. Clusters represent community and are great for group work. Eventually I had a mandala that felt right, stones all aimed at a bowl of Quartz in the middle where I had poured clear, purified water. Two more bowls are included so I will have enough to fill a few dropper bottles.

Empathy, but so it’s not just selfish and lazy.” Long story short, it turns out the color of Empathy is green so I added lots of green. Aside from Quartz, the only stone that isn’t a protective Black or an empathetic Green, is a blue-grey Trolleite.

Anthracite (Coal): Grounding! A stone of practicality and “getting real”. No drama. Calms nerves, wards off panic attacks, eases anxiety and depression.

Aventurine: Sheilds the heart chakra from those who wish to “tap-in” and use your energy. Good for motivation reinforces decisiveness, and amplifies leadership qualities.

Banded iron: Marking evolution and growth, carries the wisdom of the Ancestors. Tempers experiences and calms for “smooth sailing” in your endeavors. Very grounding. “Down to Earth”

Black Tourmaline: Repels negativity. Increases vitality, lifts spirits, wards off the gloomies. Grounding, protective, especially against negative supernatural entities. Helps with anxiety.

Bloodstone: The Stone of Courage. Revitalizes love, relationships, and friendships. Helps to overcome stress and anxiety. Dispells bewilderment and obscure thought, helps overcome selfishness.

Garnet: A “Stone of Health”. Enhances creativity and allows for self discovery.

Hypersthene: Problem solving, combats irritability, and helps the user to stand up for what is right. Adds to a sense of self-respect, and banishes the negative aspects of pridefulness.

Kundalini Quartz: A type of Citrine cluster, this stone offers a deep sense of purpose and belonging, especially within a group of society in general. Kundalini energy is that of the Sacred Feminine and Intuition.

Lava Rock (Basalt): Provides strength in difficult times. Dissolves anger by providing an understanding of a situation. Creates stability and is hugely fertile when beginning new endeavors.

Moonstone: A stone of understanding via emotion and intuition rather than intellectual reasoning. Alleviates emotional tension. Confidence, composure, diplomacy.

Obsidian: Grounding and protective, provides comfort in times of grief. Provides insight and acceptance, specifically quieting those negative inner voices directed at ourselves.

Palm Stone (petrified palm wood): All fossils carry us back to our past lives and ancestors. They facilitate wisdom and personal evolution. The palm tree is a tree of resurrection. This stone allows you to get in touch with a past self and heal things which have been unconsciously brought forward into this lifetime.

Peridot: Warm & friendly, protective. Allows for understanding the underlying foundation of situations. Heals a bruised ego and strengthens the heart chakra.

Seraphinite (Clinochlorite): Seraphinite, a trade name, is named for the Seraphim Angels because of its feathery appearance. It allows one to be both independent and companionable. One of the best emotional healers, specifically by providing comfort during loneliness.

Smokey Quartz: Like a “time-release” medicine, it gently dissolves negative thoughts and anger. Super grounding, it enhances attentiveness and breaks down mental and emotional blockages. One of the best stones for meditation.

Trolleite: Allows us to let go of old habits and the distractions of the world. Facilitates calmness as we contemplate life, the universe, and all the stresses of reality.

Unakite: Helps to deal with blockages arising from past situations and helps to release some of the baggage. Get to the root of a situation and helps break up mental blockages.

Yule Marble: Promotes recall of dreams and peak states of meditation. Mastery of thought, self-control, and provides a nurturing instinct.

*Most descriptions have been taken from Love is in the Earth by Melody, sometimes word for word, especially when I’ve used the word “facilitates” 😉

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